Last Day of Class

Today was the last day of class. I have learned a lot about social media I never thought I would learn. I learned a lot about the traditional medias as well newspapers, newswires, magazaines, radio, network, cable, and satellite television all have to work in social media to stay alive with the next generation. My nieces and nephews are already so technologically forward I have to make sure they read the old school traditional medias as well. I enjoyed class today our group watched interesting videos and I was truely engaged in school activity. I did not have Spanish class this week so I can devote all of my time to this class and since it is mostly over now before I go comment I am going to have myself a beer I hope my classmates join me!

Last Week

Well this was the last week for classes of Spring semester they went rather well I would say. Our group met up and discussed where we all were. We sent dates and discussed what the NFL could do to enhance then fan base. We focused our audience to women and came up with clever ways to enhance their attention on social media sites as well as increase sales and revenue with women. Our group is chill I like this we are all easy going and I enjoy studying with them also class today was pretty fun. We youtube educational stuff about different demographics in the United States of America and I feel it really forwarded my intelligence it was easy to endure to say the least.

My Part in the Paper

 These are the questions I need to look at and answer. I also need to work with the tactics person to make sure we are coherent in our writings. Also so that our paper is just what Professor Abel is looking for but I guess we shall see!
· What GENERAL approach will we take
· Increase media presence in areas more affiliated
with women.
· Try to utilize social media that has yet to be
utilized. (ex. Instagram)
· “relaunch or launch revamped social media
· Tactics include specific ways to implement
· We discussed a “Dress to Impress” contest using
Instagram. Women can submit selfies through instagram in their cutest football
gear. After the Sunday game, a winner for each of the 32 teams is selected.
This attracts females to football in an interesting way…..elaborate on that.
· Build/ use relationships with TV stations to
develop a NFL wives tv show where women can indirectly gain interest in the NFL
and supplement this by having a facebook , page twitter account and etc. for
the show.
· Start a NFL pinterest page specifically designed
with crafting for football games and parties. (knit a football shaped jumper
for a baby, best superbowl Sunday dip, diy dresses using NFL t-shirts)
· The NFL could open up women’s only forums (women
like exclusivity) and then the NFL should release control and let women do the
conversating. The NFL should only step in occasionally to help direct the
conversation to football.


In Class on Tuesday we discuss the upcoming final week I found out we did not have a final exam in this class which is okay because I do not really know what it would be on. But a final would possibly help my grade point average for this class because I am clearly not doing well on these blogs.

Following that we met up with our groups and my group discussed everything that we had found so far. We had good conversations and good brainstorming. I found fantasy football forums and read some strategies that they use to get people coming back and spending money on stuff. One way they spend their precious gems is by drafting and squares they place bets to aquire dollars in an orderly fashion. It is quite thrilling when the team is winning or the player they wanted might join their team. If your player or team wins something that you picked BEFORE THE GAME you are awesome and balloons fall from the sky and girls in bathing suits appear with large checks at your door. Football is so American not to be cheesy, but it is nacho cheesy.

Project 3 Awaits!

After class on Thursday I feel like our Team is strong and confident in what we are researching. Our group met downstairs in the classroom at the end of the hall and there we gathered out ideas together and they were high-quality ideas and fascinating topics. We separated out sections once again and this time I have the conclusion section. I slightly wanted to get the section were we find the opposition websites or competitors. I thought about college football being a strong one and I shared this with my group and they took to it nicely. Another idea we shared was MLB and NBA as competitors and opponents for viewers or fans. Since this project is so large I am really glad that I have a good team to help out, we have not picked our extra credit winner yet but I am sure that will be decided next week.

Team 6

We had separated the information and divided up the sections for the paper. My section was the results section in which I took everyones Data Tables and combined them into a results section. I took this most important and influential forums and blogs and put them in the beginning of the section. I began with blogs and Facebook because that seemed to be a big area for the NFL official sites to upload and curate in one central location. This helped their fans know where to look for up to date information and quality products. On the websites such as Pinterest and microblogs our team found that these were more unofficial people posting and sharing. My other team members did their parts of the project by using the Data Tables for generalizing as well as looking at more blogs and microblogs for upcoming events and activities. All in all I think our Team is level headed and we work well together we understand things quickly and we can get things done right the first time. Project 3 should be interesting with my Team.

How Social Media is Changing the NFL

The NFL has been around for 91 years and in most recent years it has taken to social media, “Now social media is front and center for all 32 teams, and the league,” Joel Price says. “Every single team thinks it’s important.” Price, manager of Internet services for the San Diego Chargers, wakes up to his iPad each morning and checks his Twitter to see what is happening with and the emotions of every fan, player and journalist contributing to the never tiring and never sleeping online community. He is not the only one doing this across the country people are waking up and going to sleep with an ever present eye on Twitter, Facebook and other social channels.”The NFL is an old-school industry,” former defensive tackle for the Cincinnati Bengals and Tennessee Titans John Thornton says. “Twitter has changed everything.” He continued stating that almost all of the players have Twitter accounts for personal branding but coaches are also telling their players to not give out personal information on these sites.

New Group, New Project= Bueno!

We met on Tuesday with our groups which was interesting to see what were had all been finding online. I had found out the NFL Groupons were mostly floor mats, blankets, car items or bracelets. I found that when they targeted women that Groupon used deals that were short lived and would expire quickly. I guess they did this because women want what others can not get so they are more active on Groupon. There were not many linked on the football or NFL pages on Groupon. My group did not discuss Craig’s list but I just looked on their site and there was way more items than on Groupon. That could be another site I could look into if my team says it is okay.
I also looked at LinkedIn which had a few sites about their companies higher ups but mostly new employees and marketing teams were on LinkedIn. NFL on LinkedIn was very boring Tone it sounded like a bad wikipedia page and humorously enough it was attached to a wikipedia page. My other group memebers seem to understand their individual sections pretty well so I am excited to see how we can pull all of our sections together for a interesting paper. My team members said that Twitter and Facebook were both a buzz with constant information being uploaded but mostly from men whom are fighting over whose team kicks more behind than the other. I would assume the blogs are similar to this but I have not seen them yet.
Good Day!

Project 2- Group 1

Our group chose to do Project 2 on the St. Louis Cardinals.We brainstormed and then found our key words were Fred Bird, St. Louis Cardinals, Cardinals Nation, MLB, and World Series Champions these were how our group would easy access the web. We divided up who was going to be finding expressing/blogs, expressing/microblogs, sharing, curating, networking, discussing, and discovering. Also what the group considered each our those to be we said networking was Facebook, Sharing and discussing was Twitter, discovering was blogs. Then curating and sharing we chose Pinterest which was my topic as well as Facebook. I created a chart for what I saw on the two sites using the keywords my group went over.








Source Name or Title

URL and/or Username







Primary Topics

Additional Notes

Facebook St. Louis Cardinals


Fun, lively, upbeat


1.3 mil Likes, Over 12,000 likes on photos, and comments that are positive.


Their last post was 2 hours ago and it seems like they are getting updated daily with interesting content. Stan the Man, Cardinals Magazine, “happy flight,” Cardinal Nation, Adam Wainwright, current games, and Fred Bird Likes, MLB, MLB Fan Cave, MLB All-Star games, MLB Network, MLB Shop.
Pinterest St. Louis Cardinals


Fun, humorous, but not to outstanding


A lot of repins on their posts usually in the hundreds.


Lots of clothing, products, foods, art, and unique ideas Fred Bird pins, St. Louis Cardinals cakes, baseballs, and calendars Targets women baseball fans. High heels, hair ties, and tee shirts for women were all over the page.



Coke Expedition 206

Coca Cola Expedition 206 is an exciting new way of bringing the brand and the customers closer together.  The idea for Expedition 206 was kick-started by Clyde Tuggle, the senior vice president of Global Public Affairs and Communications for Coca-Cola. This is interesting for two reasons: 1) this initiative started from the top — the higher-ups didn’t have to be convinced of the power of social media and 2) this blurs the traditional lines and roles that exist between PR and marketing teams. In the project they had three winners already selected who were well versed in social media. “The team will be visiting the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, the FIFA World Cup in South Africa and the World Expo in Shanghai. They will be sharing their updates on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, and other social networking sites.  I feel like this campaign could be the future of social media it is posted on a large scale and it gives the idea of connecting people globally using social media and real-life contact a real shot. I also love the twist, the winning team only have their airfares secured to them beyond that they have to sort themselves out.